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Clay Dillon

A farm kid from Nebraska; Joined the AirForce to see the world. Was stationed in Rapid City SD. Jack of many trades but master of few, I have spent from 1997 to today in the building trades industry. I enjoy making the old and dingy new and shiny, so folks can be proud of their homes.

  1. Hobbies & Interests: Hunting hard water fishing camping off the path places capturing imagery from unique perspectives, drones are my tools
  2. My burning desire is to: live long enough to visit all 67 National parks
  3. Something no one knows about me: I frequently wear mismatched sox
  4. My key to success is: to be honest and upfront with people
  5. Best childhood memory: Playing in the warm river sand we lived by in Nebraska
  6. Spouse/significant other: My lovely wife Tina Dillon
  7. Children: Jeromy Evans, Stephanie Kossert, Jessica Jiron, Tim Evans, and Hannah Dillon
  8. Pets:  Dogs Finnigan a golden Doodle and Drayton a blind and def Docker who makes us smile at 14, He still thinks he’s a puppy
Weather Tite Exteriors