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Keith Tocci

Hi, I’m Keith and I’m 36 years old. I was born in Boston Massachusetts and moved to South
Dakota when I was 8 and have called it my home since then. I have been married to my wonderful wife
Jen for 15 years. I am also a dad to my sons Kevin and William. We are a family of gamers and play
together whenever we can. When I’m not gaming I enjoy playing my guitar, bass or keyboard.
As the Construction Superintendent here at Weather-Tite Exteriors, I coordinate the scheduling
and supervise the complete install of everything below the roof line from the preconstruction
walkthrough to the final completion walkthrough of your project. So once your project is turned over to
the Production Department, I am the person who schedules the install, coordinates with the
homeowner and directly supervises our subcontractors on site each day making sure that your windows,
siding, doors, fascia,soffit and decks are all installed correctly. That means that I am the person on site
ensuring that the project that you had cultivated with your project manager turns out the way that it is
supposed to as you envisioned both aesthetically as well as to code. I am proud to be the Construction
Superintendant here at WeatherTite, a position that allows me to assist homeowners in getting to
completing their vision of building their perfect home.
Hobbies & Interests: Being home and enjoying the company of my family.
My burning desire is to: Dont have one.
Something no one knows about me:I am a very private person.

My key to success is: Always aim to be better in everything you do every day.
Best childhood memory: Sitting behind home plate at a Red Sox game in Fenway Park.
Spouse/significant other: Jennifer Tocci
Children:Kevin and William